Workers Compensation
Workers Compensation Insurance provides wages and medical benefits to employees who are injured while working. Almost all employers are required to have a workers compensation policy in MA (See General Laws of MA Chapter 152, section 1(4).) Members and partners of an LLC, LLP, partnership, or sole proprietor are not required to purchase workers compensation insurance for themselves, but can opt to have coverage if desired. Workers Compensation insurance provides medical benefits, wages, and a death benefit, if an employee is injured, gets sick or dies while working. One could consider this important insurance product a combination of health, disability, and life insurance, though business owners and key employees should have a separate insurance policy for each of these concerns as well.
Workers Compensation not only provides medical benefits and wages to employees who are injured or contract disease while working; this important and legally required insurance also protects employers from severe and potentially bankrupting lawsuits. Even though the rates are mostly determined by the state of MA, Budrisk has access to companies that specialize in the cannabis industry and can provide special pricing up to 30% less than your current premium. Our agents and representative carriers can work with you and your workforce to provide education about workplace safety and emergency response. If workplace injuries and illnesses are a big concern to you as an employer, our agency will work with you and your employees to help reduce the frequency of incidents, build a better workplace environment, and trim down your premium.